God Restoring the World


Gary Campbell Jr.
4 min readAug 27, 2018


Isaiah 50 begins with a transitional paragraph, concluding the flow of thought from chapter 49, and setting up the third “Servant Song” contained in most of the remainder of the chapter, (vs.4–9). In this third song we see a more focussed Servant, describing what He faces, and repeatedly resolving to see His mission through in statements like… “I have not drawn back.”, “I will not be disgraced.”, “I have set my face like a flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.”, and so on. But His ultimate confidence is in the LORD, as He declares in verse 9- “It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me” . As the book of Isaiah draws nearer the final Servant song we being to see the LORD’s resolve and plan for “God Restoring the World.” It is through the chastening of His own beloved Servant on behalf of His wayward people. There is much for us to glean from this chapter, but none more needed than that our resolve ought be similarly fixed to be obedient to the Lord, even in suffering, finding that resolve and our confidence in the LORD!

Monday- READ- Isaiah 50 Overview

What connections do you see between verses 1–3 and the remainder of the chapter? How would you describe the mindset of the Servant? What verses in this chapter were timely for you and your life situation and circumstances? Pick one verse from this chapter to meditate on each day this week as you prepare for the message on Sunday- write it down or put it into a note in your phone.

Tuesday- READ- Isaiah 50:1& Hebrews 12:5–7Discipline

Isaiah 50:1 is a concluding response to the statement of complaint of Israel in chapter 49, verse 14- “The lord has forsaken me, the LORD has forgotten me.” Here the LORD responds with- (paraphrasing)- “Wait a minute, I didn’t divorce you or permanently sell you. You were sent away because of your rebellion and sin.” This sobering reminder ought to give us pause when questioning God’s plan and our circumstances. Could it be that the LORD is disciplining us (remember that discipline is always restorative for those who are in Christ), or desiring to teach us dependance on him through our “exile”?

Wednesday- READ- Isaiah 50:2–3 & Psalm 19:7–9 Hello?

The Lord then asks the next question. “Where were you when I called, and why was no one listening for my voice?” How do we “hear” the voice of the Lord today- (see Psalm 19). In Exodus 15 we read of the “arm” of the Lord in Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, eventually the Lord’s arm would deliver humanity from sin. Have you trusted in His deliverance? Are you listening to Him through His Word on a daily basis?

Thursday- READ- Isaiah 50:4–5 & Psalm 40:6–8 Waken My Ears

Verses 4–5 being the third “servant song” of Isaiah, here capturing the resolve of the Servant. Clearly verse 4b and 5a are in contrast to verse 2a that we looked at yesterday, again revealing the Servant as the fulfillment of what Israel was intended to be as God’s collective “servant”. How does Jesus fulfill where we fall short? As our advocate and our intercessor, how does it bring you comfort to know that Jesus is always in communion with the Father on your behalf? Ask the Lord to “waken your ears” to His voice anew this week.

Friday- READ- Isaiah 50:6–7 & Matthew 27:26 & Luke 9:51 Like a Flint

Verse six is a clear picture of the torture preceding the Cross and verse seven reveals the resolve of obedience to His mission that we see in Jesus captured in Luke’s Gospel, (above verse). What trial are you facing this week where you can model Christ’s self-sacrifice and resolve?

Saturday- READ- Isaiah 50:8–9 & Romans 8:32–34 Charges?

The Servant finds His strength in the Lord. Where have you been too reliant on you in hard times? Or in others or other things? Read Romans 8:32–34 again and spend some time in prayer resolved to trust in Christ with all of your trials.

Sunday- READ- 50:10–11 & Isaiah 12:2 & 31:1 Resolved!

Verses 10–11 call it out. Trust in the Lord or don’t and bear the consequences, (good or bad), of that choice. As you come to worship today where are you resolved to place your trust? Place your gaze upon HIM like a flint, the One who hears the voice of the LORD, bears the cost of our salvation, and Who advocates and intercedes for us!



Gary Campbell Jr.
Gary Campbell Jr.

Written by Gary Campbell Jr.

Writing for Groton Bible Chapel & the larger Body of Christ on cultural issues, parenting, marriage, theology & other light-weight topics.

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