God Restoring the World — Isaiah 42
New Things- An introduction of the Servant
Isaiah 42 is the first of four “servant songs”, (Bernard Duhm coined the term “Servant Songs” in his German commentary on Isaiah published in 1892.), in the latter third of Isaiah. The four are: Here in Isaiah 42:1–7 (or 1–4 with 5–9 as a post script), 49:1–6, 50:4–10, & 52:13–53:12 (some acknowledge a fifth song in 61:1–3). These can be categorized in a host of ways, such as the “Introduction” of the Servant, the “Mission” of the Servant, the “Obedience” of the Servant, and the “Suffering” of the Servant and many other frameworks through which to view these important songs. We’ll look at three of them this fall, and then spend Advent contemplating the fourth in detail.
Monday- READ- Isaiah 42 Overview
Isaiah 42 is a response and a contrast to chapter 41 and specifically the calling out of idolatry in verses 24–29. Here the “Servant” is presented to the reader, and there is some initial ambiguity as to who exactly this servant is. Is this Cyrus the Persian, or Israel the nation, faithful Israel/the Remnant? Isaiah masterfully develops the profile of the Servant through the chapter and then bursts into song about what He will accomplish. Can you see Jesus in Isaiah 42, and what reaction does it evoke in your spirit as you read?
Tuesday- READ- Isaiah 42:1–9 Servant Song #1
Here God Himself, speaking through Isaiah, speaks about the Servant (1–4) and then speaks to the Servant (5–7), and ends reaffirming His supremacy (over idols), and establishing that what He does in this coming Servant is something new! What new thing does the Lord want to do in you this fall as we study Isaiah, and learn afresh the majesty of our Servant King, Jesus the Christ?
Wednesday- READ- Isaiah 42:10–17 Overflow
Isaiah here bursts into song at the revelation of what God will do through the Servant, and in so doing He reveals more of what He will accomplish. Isn’t this how God works? First, we become aware of who He is, and are moved to worship Him, it is in our worship that He reveals more of who He is. When was the last time you overflowed in worship for all that Jesus has done? What new thing did He reveal in that worship?
Thursday- READ- Isaiah 42:18–25 Slow
Isaiah jolts us back to reality. Rebellious Israel, spiritually blind and deaf, (in contrast to the effects of the Servant in vs.7), refusing to acknowledge her guilt and the judgment that has come due to her sin (24–25). Where do you need to be honest about your own sin before God? What in your thought-life or what action do you need to confess today?
Friday- READ- READ- Matt. 12:18, Rom. 15:12, Luke 2:32 Quoted
God’s Servant does not come strictly for the rebellious Israelites, but as even Isaiah 41 made clear, and as Jesus revealed in His coming, and in Paul’s further teaching in the New Testament, He comes for the redemption of all nations. How is Jesus’ work at the cross both universal and exclusive at the same time? Using Scripture, how would you tell someone how “access” this salvation found in Jesus?
Saturday- READ- Isaiah 42 “Servants”
Isaiah 42 is a masterfully written chapter that begins by introducing a Servant, whom we are drawn to contemplate His identity. The chapter ends by reminding us that we are to be His servants, and to not be spiritually insensitive to God’s work. While Cyrus destroys and tears down, Jesus is the Servant who builds, heals, and makes new — how am I being an agent of His work of restoring the world?
Sunday- READ- Revelation 5:1–6a Servant of Comfort
Isaiah 42:1–2 give subtle hints to the suffering Servant passage to come in Isaiah 52&53 and echo the imagery of the Lion of Judah, pictured as the Lamb looking as though it had been slain described by the Apostle John in Revelation 5. It is the Cross, and Jesus death in our place there that brings this all together. As you come to church this morning, be prepared to “preach the Gospel to yourself” again through song, prayer, and as you listen to His Word, that He might bring renewal through the comfort of forgiveness and the hope of eternal life toy your spirit once again!