RENEW- “Ministry Partnerships”- Week 3
Devotional readings by Nate Parks
2 min readMay 14, 2018
Monday- Read Ezra 1–6
- Take your time and read the first six chapters of Ezra. Let the story sink in your mind. Be clear with the story line and what is happening.
- What part of the story interests you? Why?
- What is the most encouraging part of the story to you?
- What is the most discouraging part of the story to you?
Tuesday- Read Ezra 1
- Have you ever sensed God’s leading in a specific area of your life? How and where did this revelation come to you?
- What is happening/being said in this chapter? Write it out in a few sentences.
- What stands out to you about this chapter?
- What is something that you sense God is leading you to live out based on this chapter?
Wednesday- Read Ezra 2
- Has there ever been a group of people that you were a part of the came together for a special purpose? For a moment recall those names and the story in your mind.
- What is happening/being said in this chapter? Write it out in a few sentences.
- What stands out to you about this chapter?
- What is something that you sense God is leading you to live out based on this chapter?
Thursday- Read Ezra 3
- What are the priorities of life that drive you right now? Write out the top 3–5 on paper to help visualize and process.
- What is happening/being said in this chapter? Write it out in a few sentences.
- What stands out to you about this chapter?
- What is something that you sense God is leading you to live out based on this chapter?
Friday- Read Ezra 4
- Recall a time when you faced adversity. Where was God during those times? Did you come out the back end relieved or disappointed?
- What is happening/being said in this chapter? Write it out in a few sentences.
- What stands out to you about this chapter?
- What is something that you sense God is leading you to live out based on this chapter?
Saturday- Read Ezra 5
- Has there ever been a person who spoke truth into your life? Take a moment to write or call them and thank them.
- What is happening/being said in this chapter? Write it out in a few sentences.
- What stands out to you about this chapter?
- What is something that you sense God is leading you to live out based on this chapter?
Sunday- Read Ezra 6
- What gets you excited, I mean really jazzed? When was the last time you were full of joy?
- What is happening/being said in this chapter? Write it out in a few sentences.
- What stands out to you about this chapter?
- What is something that you sense God is leading you to live out based on this chapter?