RENEW- “Proclamation”- Week 4
Devotional Readings by Bob Royce
Monday — Acts 1: 1–11, The ascension of Jesus
What hope do we have as Christians (verse 11)? What job did Jesus give to his disciples in the mean time (verse 8)? Why did Jesus tell the disciples to wait a while before starting their job of witnessing to the world about Christ (verses 4 and 5)? From where are we to receive the power we need to be witnesses for Christ (verse 8)?
Tuesday — Matthew 9: 35 — 10: 8, Jesus sends out his disciples
As Jesus went through the towns, what was his attitude toward the people he came across (9: 36)? What two things did Jesus do for the people (9: 35)? What did Jesus tell his disciples to pray for (9: 38)? What did Jesus have his disciples do after they prayed for laborers (10: 5–8)? What lessons are there for us in these verses?
Wednesday — Romans 10: 9–17, Beautiful feet
It is clear from scriptures such as John 3: 16 that we are saved through belief in Jesus. Looking at Romans 10: 9–13 along with James 2: 18–19, what role does confessing with our mouth that “Jesus is Lord” play? What implication is there in the chain of questions in verses 13–15? Looking at verse 17, what role does God’s word play in sharing the gospel?
Thursday — Philippians 2: 12–18, Christians shining like stars in the sky
As God works in us to fulfill his good purpose, what two things are required of us as we shine like stars in this dark world (verses 13–16)? How do these two things work together? What lesson can we learn from Paul pouring himself out like a drink offering on behalf of the Philippian Church (verses 17–18)?
Friday — 2 Timothy 3: 10 — 4: 5, Paul’s charge to Timothy
What functions should God’s word perform in our life (3: 14–17)? Paul, whose martyrdom is fast approaching (4: 6–7), is giving Timothy a final charge (4: 1). What does he exhort Timothy to do with his life (4: 2–5)? What do you think he meant when he told Timothy to “Do the work of an evangelist” (4: 5)?
Saturday — Acts 17: 16–34, Paul’s debate in Athens
In Athens, Paul came across some philosophers who engaged him in a debate (verse 18). Paul was distressed by the idolatry he saw there (verse 16). How did Paul adjust his evangelism strategy when he discussed God with this specific group of people? What lessons can we learn from this?
Sunday — 1 Corinthians 1: 17 — 2: 5, Paul sharing the gospel with the Corinthians
What different kinds of reactions may occur when Christ is preached to non-Christians, depending on their backgrounds, and more importantly on whether God has called them (1: 18, 22–25)? Why did Paul choose to share Jesus with the Corinthians without resorting to the use of wise and persuasive words (2: 1–5)? What lessons can we learn from this?